January 2012 Minutes

02/09/2012 09:53

Grand Island Instrumental Boosters Meeting

Minutes from January 3, 2012

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.
  2. The minutes from the  12/6/11 meeting were approved.
  3. Treasury Report:                                Account Balance:  $26,447.69

Student Accounts: -23,818.25

Booster Balance:$2629.44

  1. Current Fundraisers:
  1. Pizza Sale-Marty contacted Maria’s Fundraising and they approved doing another fundraiser, which will start next week and end on 1/20 with a delivery date of 2/11/12. Still talking with company on the pre pay concept.
  2. Fruit Sale-Truck was early. All extra fruit was sold and the idea of possibly ordering more fruit was brought up.
  3. Spring Dance Concession- Mike Dudley has Michele McMahon assisting with him on the Spring Dance Concession.

Still waiting on notes from Cheryl Oyer

  1. Judo Competition- Bounced around ideas and thoughts to work with the Spring Dance Concession Chair. Mr. Christmann said the attendance is about ½ that of the Spring Dance Weekend.
  2. Membership- Diana mentioned there wasn’t much of a change, maybe + 2 members or so.
  3. Shirt/sweat shirt sales-Diana ordered all the missing shirts and they will be in any day now.
  4. Calendars- Trying to form a committee to sit down and come up with page count for pricing . Diana mentioned trying to get the order forms for the calendars in the 3rd quarter report cards. The third semester ends 3/28/2012. Checking on when the elementary school report cards go home. Also talked about potentially making the pocket calendars for sale as well.
  5. Buffalo Swing Dance – nothing different to report

D. Projects

1. Bruce  Johnstone  is all set to play with the  jazz students at the All Island Jazz  Concert on 3/14/2012

2. Cookie Sale Update: $370.00 profit was made the night of the Cookie Sale. Mary Jane Fonte thanked all the bakers and volunteers who helped that night. We talked about getting more bakers and more cookies next year. The suggestion of selling water too was talked about.

3. Race Night- Kim Kalman has been getting a lot of donations  of both food and or baskets for the raffle. They hope to make it a great success.

4. Trip Update: Marty said as of today there are 167 students committed to the trip. We are still at $560.00 per student, but not over. The buses are set with Grand Tours and no changes have been made to the itinerary per Mr. Ells.

E. Announcements:

            Next Meeting: February 7th

            The following March 6th meeting, we are meeting at 6:15. It is scheduled the same night of the Choral Kaleidoscope Concert. We agreed to make this a fast meeting so we can all get to the concert on time.