January Meeting Agenda

02/09/2012 09:47

GI Music Boosters Meeting

             1/4/12 at 7:00

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of minutes      from   12/6/11
  3. Treasury Report                                                  Account Balance            $26,447.69

                                                                                                  Student Accounts           - 23,818.25                                                                            Booster Balance            $ 2,629.44


  1.   Pizza Sale:  Start Date 1/6 End  1/20   Delivery  February  11th…Checking into Pre-paying

2.      Fruit Sale:    Delivery went smooth; truck was early, ordered extra which all sold.  We should do the same next year.

3. Spring Dance Concessions -   Kate Donahue Chairperson…Mike Dudley co-chair and    Treasurer         Waiting for notes from Cheryl Oyer   

4. Judo Competition – Memorial Day weekend   Accepted, chairperson?                                                                                                                                                                                     

4. Membership

5. Shirt/sweat shirt sales…..ordered missing shirts, waiting

6. Calendars - we need to form a committee….volunteers?

7. Buffalo Swing dance – no update      

  1. Projects

    1.    Bruce Johnstone:  Performing with students at the All-Island Jazz Concert March 14th

                  2.    Cookie Sale update: Mary Jane Fonte

                  3.    Race Night   – January 7th Moose Lodge     update: Kim Kalman-

                  4.   Trip Update

       D.       New Business

                 1. Mr. Allen and Mr. Ells planted a seed about having a new piece commissioned for the band and orchestra.  This is a long term project.                                          

  1.  Announcements

Capital Project:Both Propositions Passed!!!Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 6th meeting same night as Choral Kaleidoscope Concert Meeting : 6:15 start time

See you at the RACES!!!!!!

Don’t forget to check our website www.gimusicboosters.webnode.com

And “Like” us on Facebook “Grand Island Music Boosters”

Next Meeting:February 7th 7:00