Meeting ♪♪ Notes ♪♪

09/07/2011 10:38

Information Discussed at our meeting on 9/6/2011


1. Trip year...traveling to Grand Nationals in Chattanooga TN.  Part of trip will be in Atlanta with tourist activites based there. Trip is from Wed. April 25th thru  Sunday April 29th. 


2. Concert on October 26th will feature Colonel Arnald Gabriel.....see article on main page


3. Current Fundraisers.....Pizza Sale running now thru Sept. 19th. delivery 10/22

                                      Fruit Sale   Approx. Nov 1st

                                      Discount Card sale in the spring

                                      Dance Recital Concessions in May

4.    Possible New fundraisers:

                                        Flower/Bouquet sales at all concerts

                                        Used Book Sale at Holiday Concert

                                        bake sale/cookie exchange at Holiday Concert

                                        School Calendar Sale...has been approved by the superintendent.  Boosters will sell school calendars for next year.

5. New booster logo along with Polo Shirts/sweatshirts and a banner are in the works

6. Membership: Cards are available..Membership is $2.00....we need to be more visible with membership sales and promotions

                        Sale table being set up at Open House

7. We are placing signs on the auditorium doors asking people to not enter during musical selections hoping to cut down on distractions.

8. There was discussion on more publicity about the music program and the boosters in the community.

9. Although raising funds is important, we need to stay focused on advocating for the program and our students!!!!

10. Mr. Ells informed us that Symphony Orchestra has been scheduled for first period allowing Wind Ensemble students to participate on an audition basis.

11. Congratulations to the following students who have qualified for All-State.....

        Sarah Stancyzk   

        Stephanie LoTempio

        Alternates: Kallan McMillan and Alex Seibert


        All StateChorus - Nigel Michki


It was a very full meeting!!  Lot of things covered and ground work laid for another great year!!  Thanks for your patience!!